Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection
Clay, NY
In support of anticipated residential, commercial, and industrial growth within an unsewered area surrounding the White Pine project (i.e., Micron Semiconductor Fab), Onondaga County is performing a project to support the expansion of sewer service and building a new municipal pump station and forcemains located at the intersection of NYS Route 31 and Caughdenoy Road in the Town of Clay.
The pump station will serve the developments east of the railroad, along NYS Route 31 and areas north and south along Caughdenoy Road. The pump station will receive sanitary sewer flow and convey it to the Oak Orchard WWTP for treatment. The new pump station is designed to be hydraulically expandable over the projected sewer buildout period. Based on the projected range of flows, two forcemains will be utilized, 10-inch and 18-inch diameter HDPE pipelines. The estimated length of the force mains from the pump station to the Oak Orchard WWTP is 20,400-feet. This length of force mains creates added complexity to account for a varied range of flows from startup to full build-out while meeting 10 State Standards and acceptable velocity ranges. Design features of the 5.5mgd pump station include dual wet-wells, two sets of submersible solids handling pumps with each set being sized for different duty conditions; flow metering, chemical storage and feed system, odor control and a building to house equipment.
The building’s architecture is designed to blend in with the surrounding environment and aligns in looks as a similar, nearby railroad depot building.