EDR would like to congratulate Calpine Corporation on the completion of the Bluestone Wind Project Preliminary Scoping Statement (PSS), which was submitted to the Department of Public Service (DPS) on August 18, 2017. The Bluestone Wind Project is a proposed 124 megawatt (MW) wind farm located in the Towns of Windsor and Sanford, Broome County, NY. The project will be located on leased, private land and could include up to 40 wind turbines. The PSS was prepared by EDR on behalf of Calpine Corporation, and the filing of this document represents a significant milestone for our client. We are excited to be moving forward in the Article 10 permitting process.
A copy of the PSS can be viewed and downloaded on the online case record maintained by the Siting Board here.
For More Information
Gregory S. Liberman | Senior Project Manager[email protected]